"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
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Starting this journey back in 2014, when all I wanted to create was jewelry, for the simple idea that is, "wearable art". 2015 was when my love for crystals and gemstones began. Once I set my heart out to do something, there is no stopping me. As an artist, I know the feeling of doubt and discouragement all too well, but the lessons I have learned from the bad times and the mistakes I have made are what has brought me before you today, as the designer and artist you see now.
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I had never felt a love for an art medium or natural element like I do when I see gemstones. People who know me personally would definitely say I am addicted to stones and crystals. The aspect that has always drawn me to stones the most, is the concept of their origins. I am an avid nature lover and of all things raw and from the earth. When seeing a stone for the first time, it's like being introduced to someone new in your life that you have an instant bond and connection with. When designing I try to keep the natural integrity of the stones the main focus of the designs, to showcase the raw and natural inclusions or imperfections a stone may have, which is what makes them a real treasure.
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Thank you so much to everyone who always sends me love and support to follow my dreams and my passion. I hope I am fortunate enough to continue this art and path for the rest of my life, allowing others to find the beauty and love for the natural earth like I do.
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